NMES & sEMG in Dysphagia Management: The Guardian Way® (eLearning + Live Lab) Schedule

Pediatrics and Adults

Course Schedule

This course is offered for .65 ASHA CEUs in a self-study + live lab format

Time is approximated

40 MinsModule 1

Introduction to course
Fundamentals of Swallowing
Assessment & Screening
20 MinsModule 2

Cranial Nerve Assessment
20 MinsModule 3

Prevalence and Management of Swallowing Dysfunction in Adults and Children
25 MinsModule 4

Introduction to Electrotherapy
Historical Research
Examining the Evidence
Current Evidence
Challenges of Interpretation
15 MinsModule 5

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
Fundamental Principles of Electrotherapy
25 MinsModule 6

Parameters: Definitions and Customization to Individualize Treatment
15 Mins Module 7

Neuroplasticity and Cortical Reorganization
10 MinsModule 8

The Guardian Way NMES Programs
20 MinsModule 9

Implementing The Guardian Way Protocol
40 MinsModule 10

Electrode Placement and Rationale
Determining Candidacy, Contraindications, Precautions
25 MinsModule 11

Facial Stimulation
Etiology of Facial Nerve Dysfunction Anatomy/Physiology
Scoring Asymmetry
Electrode Placements
Rationale and Demonstration
20 MinsModule 12

Electrode Facts
Materials and Construction
Impedance and Independent Testing
Goals of treatment, Typical session, Demonstration
45 Mins Module 13

sEMG Fundamental Principles
Current Evidence
Typical Therapy Session
15 MinsModule 14

Additional Resources
30 MinsLab 1:

sEMG Placing and Securing Electrodes
Data Collection and Interpretation
Use of the Guardian Suite App
30 MinsLab 2:

NMES with placement for pharyngeal dysphagia
Skilled introduction of NMES 
Placing and Securing Electrodes
Introducing the Current
Assessing for Contraction
Adjusting the Parameters